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Prateek Bansal

Backend Developer

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Hello World! 👋 My name is Prateek Bansal. I am a software engineer with more than 2.5 years of experience. Currently, I am working at Skuad as a backend engineer. People here loves me and call me a Revamp boy 😎.

I consider myself an artist who can build a product by using its creativity and off course "JavaScript". I love to work on crazy engineering problems that impact lives of people. Finding solutions for them is what makes me happy and satisfied.

Fun-Fact - I love JavaScript , Jalebi and Jethalal

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SDE - Backend Engineer


    Contract Service
  • Redesigned business APIs, cutting response time by 96% (from 25+ seconds to under 1 second).
  • Optimized performance by reducing database and interservice calls, implementing Redis caching, and transitioning time-intensive processes to asynchronous execution.
  • Developed a fail-safe retry mechanism for asynchronous processes.
  • Modernized codebase: upgraded Mongoose, added Prettier and ESLint for better maintainability.
  • Introduced features that significantly streamlined customer onboarding.
    Integrations Mapper Service
  • Designed a database-driven, generic API system for stream- lined integration.
  • Build a recursive function that dynamically converts inputs into desired objects based on predefined mappings
    Asset Management Service
  • Built a microservice from scratch for company-wide asset management using NestJS, GraphQL, TypeORM, and PostgreSQL.

Backend Intern


    Platform for selling courses
  • Collaborated in a team of 4 to integrate backend APIs.
  • Developed a module for exporting JSON data to Excel and CSV formats.
  • Implemented a Certificate Generator module.
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Code Connect

Code Connect

A platform for Online Technical interviews. Real-Time Video/Audio chat with Collaborative Code Editor.

Who Pay Who

Who Pay Who

A bill splitting tool. Minimum no of transactions while settling the accounts.

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